federal market share

Market Share Analysis

There are 331K small businesses registered to do business with the federal government that are not on a GSA Schedule and 12K that are contract holders. The small business GSA Schedule Holders have 3.6X more sales ($1MM vs $272K) than non-schedule holders. Additionally small businesses are 2x more effective at competing with large businesses when on GSA Schedule Contract 40.4% vs 20.3%. (see table below)

Small Business Type Federal Sales Number of Firms Average Sales Market Share vs. Large Business
GSA Schedule Holders $15B 12K $1MM 40.4%
Small Business – non GSA Schedule Holders $90B 331K $272K 20.3%


Highest Market Share Industries for Small Business w/ GSA Schedule

Some GSA Schedules provide a greater advantage for small businesses when competing with large federal contractors than others. Below is the listing of GSA Schedule Contract with the percentage of the sales from that GSA Schedule that are with small business with right GSA Help.


Industry Small Business Percentage
Leasing of Automobiles and Light Trucks 100.0%
Temporary Administrative and Professional Staffing Services 99.9%
Shipping, Packaging and Packaging Supplies 93.7%
Photographic Equipment 91.3%
Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative (FSSI) – Office Supplies (OS3) 82.3%
Sports, Promotional, Outdoor, Recreation, Trophies, and Signs (Sports) 78.4%
Furnishing and Floor Coverings 76.1%
Automotive Superstore 74.1%
Comprehensive Furniture Management Services (CFMS) 72.0%
Food Service, Hospitality, Cleaning, Equipment and Supplies, Chemicals and Services 70.5%
Building and Building Materials/Industrial Services and Supplies 67.5%
Office Products/Supplies and Services and New Product/Technology 62.6%
Facilities Maintenance and Management 53.3%
Furniture 50.2%
Total Solutions for Law Enforcement, Security, Facilities Management, Fire, Rescue, Clothing, Marine Craft, and Emergency/Disaster Response 46.6%
Hardware Superstore 45.9%
Scientific Equipment and Services 40.9%
The GSA Professional Services (PSS)* 39.7%
General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment, Software and Services* 39.3%
Human Capital Management and Administrative Support Services 37.9%
Transportation, Delivery, and Relocation Solutions 32.9%
Professional Audio/Video Telemetry/Tracking, Recording/Reproducing and Signal Data Solutions 31.4%
Publication Media 26.6%
The Office, Imaging and Document Solution 17.2%
Travel Services Solutions 12.5%
Average 40.4%

*Denotes large spending categories.

GSA Professional Services provides advantage in competing small federal contractors as well as levelling the playing field verses large federal contractors on proper GSA Help.