GSA sales

GSA Schedules are often used by small businesses to boost their federal sales. For small businesses that go through the process they are rewarded with $1.1MM in annual sales from their GSA Contract.

Some small businesses carry special designations. The numbers show that the combination of some of these designations (SBA certification or VA verification) increase the effectiveness of a GSA Schedule.

(See table below)

Business Type/Size Amount of GSA Revenue # of GSA Schedule Holders Average GSA Revenue 2020
Large Business 22.4B 2,415 9,276,190
Small Business 13.1B 11,960 1,100,376
SDVOSB 2.3B 1,657 1,415,154
VOSB 3.2B 2,267 1,430,128
EDWOSB 1.5B 1,538 969,636
WOSB 3.5B 3,401 1,067,895
8a 2.3B 1,633 1,489,053
HUBZone 1.1B 799 1,419,622


Breaking these special designated groups into Industries we can see where the GSA + Special Designation provide the most benefits to firms.

8(a) Certification Highlights

  • The best performing industry was Security and Protection at $3.7MM.
  • The largest industry was IT with 974 GSA Contract Holders.
  • Professional Services is another large group of firms with similar sales to that of IT.


HUBZone Highlights

  • Transportation and Logistics is the strongest performing group in this category with over $2.1M per firm in average sales.
  • HUBZone firm’s largest sales category is IT with 415 firms.
  • HUBZone firms also do well in any type of equipment or industrial products industries.


SDVOSB Verification Highlights

  • SDVOSB firms do extremely well selling Industrial Products and Equipment.
  • SDVOSB firms had the highest average IT sales from their schedule contracts of any small businesses.
  • SDVOSB firms have the highest sales level for Human Capital and Training.

WOSB Highlights

  • The largest number of both a GSA Schedule and a certification. WOSB firms generally underperform other certifications however a GSA Schedule increases these firms average sales approximately three fold.
  • 2/3 of WOSB firms engage in IT and Professional Services with over 2,300 firms in these two categories.
  • WOSB Certification is the most widely held certification which diminishes its value however the marketing synergies of combining it with a GSA Schedule greatly enhances the value of both.


There appears to be a strong synergistic value in combining a GSA Schedule with a Certification/Verification. If there looks to be a strong opportunity in your industry, we can help you explore if a GSA Schedule makes sense for your individual case.