In the federal space the largest line drawn in the sand is the difference between large and small business. The federal government attempts to lower the playing field by having procurements that are under the simplified acquisition threshold be set-aside for small businesses.
Small businesses that obtain a GSA Schedule on average have more market share than small businesses without.
Number of GSA Schedule Holders
12,000 small businesses
Number of Non-GSA Holders ( only)
330,000 small businesses
Small Business Type | Federal Sales | Number of Firms | Average Sales | Market Share vs. Large Business |
GSA Schedule Holders | $15B | 12,000 | $1MM | 40.4% |
Small Business – non GSA Schedule Holders | $90B | 330,000 | $272K | 20.3% |
-GSA Schedule Holders have over 3x more sales ($1MM vs $272K) of non-schedule holders.
GSA Schedule Holders perform much better against large businesses (2x more effective at competing with large businesses.) We can see this in the comparison of the market share of 40.4% for GSA Schedule Holders vs 20.3% for small businesses at large.
Exploring GSA Market Share Across Industries
Some Industries on the GSA Schedule System provide a greater advantage for small businesses by obtaining GSA Schedule Contract when competing with large federal contractors. Below is the listing of GSA Schedule Industries with the percentage of the sales from that GSA Schedules, that are with small business.
*Denotes large spending categories.
A GSA Schedule by GSA Advantage Provides in competing small federal contractors as well as leveling the playing field verses large federal contractors.